Improving Call Quality in a Picturesque Villa on Wallis and Futuna Islands

Do not worry, you didn’t get wrong the website, it’s not on tourism or traveling. This paradise-looking place is a villa on Wallis and Futuna Islands where our customer lives. A view to the lagoon and an amazing garden full of green and flowers, what else a human being can dream of? Strong mobile signal, please.

The Challenge

Our customer had hard times with mobile signal all across his picturesque villa. The house is located on Wallis and Futuna Islands in the middle of the South Pacific Ocean. It is on one level and occupies an area of 230 sq.m. It was hardly possible to make and receive calls so practically the customer had to move to the garden to get at least 1 bar.

The reason for this reception problem was the weak voice signal of the local carrier, the Post and Telecommunications Service of Wallis and Futuna Islands. We can assume that the issue also lies behind the natural obstructions. The waters of the Pacific Ocean and the terrain literally damp the signal down and do not allow getting inside the house.

HiBoost Solution

HiBoost tech team offered a HiBoost F23-EGSM, a powerful GSM solution for calls. The booster is perfect to improve the voice signal on EGSM 900 MHz, the frequency on which the local Wallis operator performs. The model has 23 dB gain and is able to cover up to 3000 sq.m. The customer complained of very weak outdoor signal reception of 1-2 bars, so we recommended the most powerful model in the F series line to cover the house along with the garden around it.

The Results

After the HiBoost repeater installation, the customer received 4 bars throughout the villa. The equipment greatly increased the call quality and line breaks became a thing of the past for good.

We were glad to get the following feedback:

“Je suis un client très heureux de l’utilisation de votre HiBoost, qui a moins que je possède la voiture que je suppose que vous devez être dans le commercialiser de plus performants encore et quand j’en parle avec les connaissances et les amis j’en fais tous les éloges et la publicité.

J’ajouterai encore qu’avant l’achat j’ai été en relation avec un technicien-conseil qui s’est très bien occupé de moi et m’a parfaitement dirigé dans mon choix. Je penseai ce petit commentaire en mentionnant que j’apprécie beaucoup le service commercial de votre société.”

HiBoost Equipment List

Out French customer deployed the solution on his own. He used a standard kit with indoor and outdoor panel antennas. Please find below a full list of HiBoost equipment used in this case:

Item Quantity (pcs)
23 dBm HiBoost F23-EGSM booster 1
7 dBi panel indoor antenna 1
7 dBi panel outdoor antenna 1
5m 5D-FB coaxial cable 1
10m 5D-FB coaxial cable 1

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